I know I'm not even posting in the right month (speaking of...crap, Book Club...), but better late than never, right? It's not like any one is needing holiday recipes in the 4 weeks between Thanks and Xmas. And if you are, well...sorry, my little elves. You're far more festive than I.

Let's start with apps, shall we?
Pretty easy. Chips and dip and salsa, a veggie tray (baby carrots, cukes, bell peppers, celery, raw green beans, snow peas) with dip, and a spinach cheese
ball (beautifully rolled, Mrs. B.).

Look how cute I am. I mean,
we are.
As for dinner itself, we kept it weirdly traditional this year, at least compared to last year. This turned out to be a good thing, since we ended up hosting a bunch of out-of-towners...many of whom needed their 'traditions.' Boys. (Shaking head) And so to my planned turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce and tri-tip (hubby's addition), we also added corn, broccoli, and sweet potato casserole. (Guests were in charge of booze and dessert. Many thanks to Big Perm for the pumpkin pies. Delicious. As for the nickname, just go with it—for once, I didn't make it up.)
Let's focus on said casserole, shall we? Show of hands...who likes sweet potato casserole? You know, the one with marshmallows on top? That's actually made from yams, not sweet potatoes? Anyone? If you do, well, here's another recipe for it. If you don't, well, you might now. I even surprised myself with this one. Thanks, Mom, for the base for this recipe. For some reason this wasn't as sweet as I remember yours being, but I've refused to taste it for the past, oh, 20 years, so forgive any false memories.
Sweet YamsAbout 4 medium large yams, peeled, quartered, and sliced
All spice
About 2 or 3 tbsp margarine
about 3 tbsp brown sugar
About 1/4 cup crushed pineapple
good pinch salt
mini marshmallows
Steam yams in steamer with allspice (I have a steamer with a screen for spices...if you have that, go for it. Otherwise, just steam however you steam veggies—If you don't, buy something that lets you. And eat some veggies, damnit—then add a pinch of all spice in the next step) about 20 minutes or until soft.
Preheat oven to 375 (or 400 or whatever your bird is at).
In large bowl, mash yams, margarine and brown sugar, then stir in pineapple and salt. Cover with marshmallows, cook about 35 minutes or until hot and marshmallows begin to brown.

As for the enormous 21lb bird...I totally threw my back out with this monster. After I got rid of all the nastiness inside (neck, giblets, ick), I rubbed the whole thing with a butter/fresh sage/S+P mix, rubbing as much under the skin as I could, too, then baked the whole thing at 375 for about 4 hours. (About 20 minutes less than I was 'supposed to,' and then wrapped it in foil, breast side down, for about 45 minutes. SO JUICY!) Annnd...voila.

I think everyone was happy. Or full, at the very least. And now I guess this means I should break out the Christmas decorations...and finish my book club blog. Sigh. One thing at a time...