We know I'm not exactly a football fan, but I married one. Which means for approximately four months a year, my life is a little in upheaval—the husband is an official, so he's gone at least two evenings a week working high school games, as well as all day Saturdays, when he refs youth football for 12 hours.
This is bittersweet...I don't like having him gone that much (I kinda like the guy) but at the same time, I get to take advantage of Netflix's expansive collection of the TV shows I'm way behind on and he doesn't care about. For the record, I just finished Season 2 of Dexter, am about to start Grey's Anatomy from last season, and Gossip Girl's Season 1, disc 2 is on the way—I'm stoked.
But football season also means I get to play in the kitchen. On my home-alone nights, I'm a big fan of my old stand by recipes—Tuna Casserole, Cabbage Pancakes, Baked Chicken Parm, or Chicken & cabbage soup—which are easy, yummy, and with the exception of Parm, are weird enough to not necessarily be the husband's favorites...though I honestly never make them for him, so I can't actually back that up.
Tonight, however, is Wedding Soup night. I had an acquaintance's Italian mother make it when I was in New York a few years ago, and I've made my wanna-be version ever since. But all summer I hear, "It's hotttt. Why do you want
soup? I don't want
soup." And all summer, even in 102 degrees, I want Wedding Soup. And tonight's the first time I've gotten a chance to make it.
Wanna-be Italian Wedding Soup12 cups chicken broth
16-20oz extra lean ground turkey
One egg
One egg white
Handful of fresh basil, chopped
1/4 red onion, finely chopped
red pepper to taste
garlic powder, at least a teaspoon
fresh or dried oregano, a healthy shake.
1 oz shredded romano or parmesan
2 cups spinach, chopped
Big handful julienned,shredded, or diced carrots
1/4c bread crumbs (I skip this now...but the meatballs stick together better when you use them)
2 cups small-shaped pasta
salt and pepper
In a big bowl, combine turkey, egg, basil, red pepper, garlic, oregano, cheese, and salt and pepper(and breadcrumbs, if using). Use your hands to mix it all together well.

Shape into small meatballs (about an inch or so), place in fridge to chill. (Or, if you have extra time, throw them in the oven at 400 for 8 minutes or so)
Bring chicken broth to boil in a big soup pot, add meatballs one at a time, slowly, in different places in the pot so they don't stick together as they cook. Reduce to a simmer, cover, and let cook 15 minutes. Add carrot, spinach, and pasta, and let cook about 10 minutes, or until pasta is cooked.
Serve topped with a healthy pinch/handful of cheese. Makes 6 servings.
About 250 cals, 10g fat, 1g fiber, 22g protein, 17g carbs (without topping cheese or breadcrumbs)