
Annnd stepping down from soapbox...
Anyway, at the fair you get to see free concerts (hello, Hanson is playing this weekend!), watch people compete in the most awesome contests—sheep shearing, anyone?—and see fantastic things like cow birthings.
I'll throw it out there that I know absolutely nothing about cow gestation.
But really, when you get down to reasons you'd actually WANT to go, the fair is just an awesome excuse to be a total fat kid. There are all the Kern County faves—corn dogs, cinnamon rolls, tongue sandwiches, deep fried burritos, curly fry mountains, turkey legs, and giant potatoes topped with melted butter. But since my options are, as usual, a bit limited, I was stoked to find nachos.
I LOVE ghetto nachos. They're the best—fake cheese, chips, jalapenos...omg, I'll go to a sporting event just so I have an excuse to eat them.

And THESE nachos were ridiculous. When the woman handed me this gigantic pile of chips, beans, cheese, guac and sour cream, it made the 20 minutes in line worthwhile. And after we squeezed into a table already inhabited by a couple and their 6 kids (Oh, Bakersfield), we embarrassingly destroyed the plate.
And that was enough fair for me for the year. Unless K convinces me to go back next week so she can get the cinnamon roll and baked sweet potato she was too full for this trip. I'll only go if the cows are out.
BAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHHAHA I love that your fair has to have a "NO FIREARMS ALLOWED - ON EXCEPTIONS" sign on the entrance!!!! Did you see that?!? And that cow sign is still gross. You're twisted... lol