Meh. If I weren't such a foodie*, I may have found it more persuasive...And while some of the points about additives and growth hormones were really interesting, I just can't commit to a strictly organic, herbivore lifestyle. Plus I don't like fruit all that much, and they're like, obsessed with it. Not for me. You vegans, however, may get some great food tips. Note: Not that you'd be offended by crass language if you're reading a book with the word Bitch in the title, but just a heads up...they like the four letter words. As do I, so that was the best part, in my opinion.
*Is it pretentious to use the word foodie? Feel free to exchange that statement with 'if I didn't enjoy being such a fatkid' if it helps my image.

I Loved this book. Capital L. My only complaint is that there are a bajillion supporting characters, and I couldn't keep any of them straight. But it didn't detract from anything, and seeing that it took place on a traveling circus, having a bunch of extraneous people around was unavoidable. The characters I needed to know and follow I did.
The relationships blossomed throughout the book, whether they were romantic, platonic, boss/employee or even animal/human...I never felt like anything jumped out of nowhere or was forced. And even more importantly, the ending was perfect. I would so read this again. I'll even see the movie when it comes out next year. I'm not sure I see Robert Pattinson as the main character, but it's not as if I've ever seen the kid act, so I'll keep those reservations to myself.

I watched this movie a couple weeks ago not actually knowing it was based on a fictional book (yeah, I'm slow sometimes)...I thought it was a bit confusing, honestly, but it was really pretty to look at...so after the bosslady told me it was like, her favorite book ever, I figured I'd take a chance on it.
And it was lovely. It put together all the pieces the movie glazed over, not surprisingly, and was so descriptive I almost stopped picturing Scarlett Johansson as the main character, Griet, about half way through. (The bad news is that I catch myself calling KittyH Griet all the damn time now. Greta...Griet...you follow.)
I was a bit surprised by Griet's underlying sadness throughout the story...the movie portrays quite a few bits of happiness to offset her grief, but her true feelings show through much more clearly in the book. It's understandable, given her situation, but I still wasn't expecting to feel for her as much as I did.
What's next? I'm taking any and all suggestions. The library has all six of the books I've requested on backorder, so I'm in limbo. Guess it's back to Netflix for me...
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As a vegan and a fan of four-letter words, I also enjoyed Skinny Bitch.
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely going to check out Water for Elephants soon. Yours is the third great review I've read.
For future reads...Have you read?
-Life of Pi; or
Life of Pi, yes. Fabulous. I read it, Glass Castle and Kiterunner last summer and loved all three. Middlesex, no...but it looks like I'd dig it...I'll add it to my list! Thanks!
ReplyDeletePam! Not sure if you got the follow-up comment I left on my blog but I'd love to talk logos. When you get a chance, shoot me your email address to my biz email: MyVintage1981@gmail.com