Anyway, because time flew, I didn't really think about the fact that my own holiday cards should probably go out sometime during the holidays (I think last year's ended up as 'Hope you're having a Happy New Year' card)...which stressed me out for the two minutes it took me to order the cards I made but never got around to actually ordering a week or so ago. And then I discovered that you can pick up your prints the SAME DAY from Target. Hel-lo.
I'll use any excuse to go to Target, I really will.
But that all meant dinner last night needed to be speedy, cause it was envelope addressing time. So I ran to the store to get some ground turkey for meat sauce, and noticed the mushrooms looked good...and so did the bell peppers (talking about it earlier apparently inspired me), and before I knew it, I had made a cacciatore of sorts. Not as speedily as I would have hoped, but it was really good. We decided it would make an awesome chunky pizza sauce. Mmmm. I'm gonna try it tonight while the hubby's at football ( never ends). And then I'm going to get around to actually addressing envelopes.
1 pkg Italian-seasoned lean ground turkey
1 pkg mushrooms, cleaned and sliced
1 green onion, roughly chopped
1/4 to 1/2 red onion, roughly chopped
3 garlic cloves, chopped
1 jar pasta sauce (I like Newman's Own or 5 Brothers mushroom options)
red pepper flakes to taste (I do about a 1/2 tsp)
1 tsp balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup red wine
Heat a large soup pot, and add the turkey. As you brown it, break the meat into pieces and cook until none is pink anymore. Add mushrooms, onion, garlic and bell pepper, saute with meat about 2 minutes. Add sauce, red pepper, vinegar and wine, mix well. Return to simmer, cover, and cook at med-low for about 10 minutes. Stir occasionally. Serve with pasta and garlic bread. (If you can. Though I usually let myself have an itty bitty slice on pasta nights. Eh.) If you like cheese, I thought our romano/asiago/parm blend was good.
Makes about 5 servings. Per serving(no cheese), about 270 cals, 10g fat, 5g fiber, 27g protein, 30g carbs
Amen to hand-addressing. The only way to go.