But while I was out on the first gorgeous day all week, I realized how good I am at excuses, cause this program really isn't bad. Yeah, the running parts tend to come too soon, but the walking sections always come at just the right time. But even still..the excuses are amazing. I love the crap my brain comes up with...even during my jog:
Why do I try and work out in the mornings? My legs aren't awake yet. And it's cold, my teeth hurt in the cold. At least I wore a hat so my ears aren't cold...but now my head's hot...why did I wear this shirt? I couldn't just wear my own stupid shirt...now I look like a bag lady. Bad enough I jog like an old man, now I look homeless. Awesome. And now I'm sweaty. Damn hat...how come everything hurts? My toe hurts...my hip hurts...is that a headache? I wonder why my knee doesn't hurt...I'm thirsty. Hmmm, I'm by K's house...she's out of town, but I know how to break in...she wouldn't care...but I should at least have a better excuse than wanting water...do I need to pee? Damnit, no. Sigh... I'll make it.
Wah, wah, wah. Ridiculous.

And now, since I've cleaned the kitchen and did my grocery store run, my jogged-out body and olive-filled tummy are going to spend the rest of the husbandless day catching up on tivo. It's a rough life, kids. Especially when my dinner is going to consist of campechana, chips and tequila. I'll try and survive.
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