Which means I'm glad to say we did have a fabulous New Year's Day. We're still half sick, so we slept til about noon, then got up, watched football and listened to reggae on our new home dock for the Sirius, and I read Brothers Grimm fairy tales and drank a mimosa til we finally decided to get out of the house. We tried to hit up Prime Cut for a late lunch, but they unfortunately only had one poor girl working, and we definitely needed Bloody Marys faster and more often than that was going to allow. He wanted to watch the Bowl game, so we plan B'd it to BJs.
Sidenote: One of my many pet peeves in life is when awesome restaurants with tiny menus think they need to expand their choices to get a bigger clientele. BJs and Islands are my two best examples of this...they both had, like, 15 menu options total for years and years. And then suddenly both have expanded to enormous menus, and the food, the staples in particular, isn't as good. Boo to that, BJs and Islands. Boo.

After we rolled out of there, stuffed and a little tipsy from their fabulous bloodys and Piranha ale(how nice to realize it was only Friday and could take advantage of happy hour!), we strolled through the huge new Target to get ourselves the gifts we wanted but didn't get each other for Christmas. (A beard trimmer for his somewhat-existent beard and a new scarf and Garnier eye roller for me. I know.)
So yeah, really can't complain. Especially after we ended the day by watching Public Enemies-AKA Johnny and Christian, yum-and a couple hours of the Twilight Zone marathon (a yearly tradition, I heart it so). It doesn't take much to make me happy. Good food, low-key QT with the hubby, and some sort of brainless entertainment. I don't do resolutions, but if I can keep that up, I'll be a happy girl.
So, cheers. Here's to an easy, delicious 2010!
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