Tuesday, February 8, 2011

And it's only Tuesday.

We're poor this week. Like, have my understanding hair stylist hold my check, eat nothing but pantry meals, buy gas with pocket change poor.*

So, here's the plan. I made a double recipe of tomato soup, stocked up on bread and deli meat (using hubby's $8 Super Bowl winnings, cha-ching), and am intent on getting creative.

Please keep in mind this is all on-a shoestring ridiculousness. I'm not proposing you eat any of this (except the soup, definitely eat the soup), but in the spirit of full disclosure, I'm simply documenting. I can tell you one thing...I'm going to be over grilled cheese by Friday.

Start with the week with Tomato Soup and Cauliflower & Broccoli Au Gratin. Yes, because we had a bag of Steam-fresh Cauliflower & Broccoli. And about 2 tbsp of cheddar, total. It worked out. We're out of butter and/or margarine, though, so I totally went with I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray. I'm not proud of this.

An almost exact repeat of my All-American Meal, except that this grilled cheese was two slices provolone, a bit of turkey, mustard and dill. It was ok. Better with green onion, but I'm totally open to trying it a bit differently every night for experimentation's sake. Also used a pan rather than our grill, and it didn't melt as nicely.

* Thanks for calling me out, Jenny!! Shhhh! Cheap lunch and happy hour (once each!) totally don't count in the 'poor' budget this week. Or so I'm telling myself (wink).

1 comment:

  1. Glad you still splurged and had some pho soup with me :)
