Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Multitasker supreme.

Today I'm trying something new-writing this while on the treadmill. Not the brightest idea, to be sure, but it excites me for so many reasons.

I get so bored at the gym. If I'm with a friend, I get to chat, which works perfectly well as a distraction. Otherwise, I have to have music -Jay Z's the Blueprint 3, currently- which I inevitably end up singing/mouthing along to and looking like that girl. Rad. Whatever.

But even with music, I need more, or else I spend the whole time sending ugly looks at the time display, impatiently waiting for it to hit 30:00. So instead, I'm the girl listening to my iPhone, watching Bonnie Hunt on mute while writing what must look like the longest text message ever. (I so love the personal TVs here, btw. The big ones are set to Fox news. No.).

What can i say? I have to multitask. Always. I'm either the most capable person I know or the most easily distracted (know anyone else like that, mom??). Why do one thing (walk) when I can do four (walk, watch, pretend to rap, write)? That's just plain efficiency, baby. At home I'd be watching tv while reading a magazine while chatting up the hubby. While writing. This way, at least I'm burning off the dirty martini I'm bound to sip on while making dinner later. Like I said...efficient.

And look at that.

The minutes just flew by. I haven't even gotten a chance to search cooking light for dinner ideas yet. Excellent. Something to do while I stretch...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Uh, I love this, especially that you can see your reflection over top of Bonnie. Go Pam go. On another note, I'll be attempting Beef Pho in April. I will let you know how that goes. And depending on your ability to resist making it daily (for your husband's sake of course) I'll share the recipie :)

  2. hehe... that's awesome. Even more cool is the fact that you have personal TVs at your gym.

  3. You are hilarious. I so relate. You'd think exercising, watching TV AND listening to music would be enough activity, but somehow it's just not. One of the reasons I do enjoy the outside runs more even though they're harder -- I go to places where I get to people watch, judge, take in a view, etc.
